Business Studies, asked by RockstarAryan3836, 8 months ago

Difference between consumer buying behaviour and organisational buying behaviour


Answered by herb369


Consumer buying is where the final consumer buys goods and services for the personal consumption. In other words consumer buying means the day to day purchases by individuals to satisfy their daily needs. Organizational buying involves purchasing goods and services to produce another good with the intention of reselling it to final consumers to earn profits. The organizational buying is also known as business buying.

Difference between consumer buying and business buying can be summarized as follows:

Consumer markets contain of many small scale buyers where as business markets consist of few large buyers. As an example consumer market for clothing would be every individual who purchases their clothing needs at a small scale and business market for clothing would be retailers who purchase cloths from manufacturers for reselling at a large scale.

In a consumer market consumers demand for goods when they recognize their needs. As a result the demand for a good created in large scale. The demand for goods in business market is derived from the summation of the demand for goods in the consumer market. As an example the the business market demand for clothes (the quantity purchased by the clothing retailer) depends of the quantity demanded by the final consumer of clothing.

Demand for goods in consumer markets is heavily affected by the changes in the prices where it can be concluded that consumer market demand is price elastic. Demand for goods in business markets are not affected by the price changes in short run where it can be concluded that demand for goods in business market is price inelastic.

I hope it helps


Answered by hotelcalifornia

The consumer behavior is more with impulse buying and unplanned purchase and organizational buying behavior is more with rational and planned purchase.  


  • The individual or consumer buys makes a purchase to satisfy the personal need. There would be no reselling of commodities and services. Organization buys commodities for business and reselling purposes.
  • The quantity of the goods and services of consumer buyers is small. Organizational buyers buy products and services in a large quantity.
  • Consumers may or may not have the market knowledge while making the buying decision. Organizational buyers make purchase decisions after rational thinking and gathering the market information.
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