Difference between dominant traits and recessive traits..
it acts like a dominant on. recessive traits
dominant traits is the one that is mostly seen while recessive trait is the one that is hidden.
Dominant allelle is able to express itself even in the presence of its recessive allele while recessive allele or factor is unable to express its effect in the presence of dominant allele.
Dominant allelle does not require another similar allele to produce its effect on the phenotype, e.g. It is tall while recessive traits produces its phenotypic effect only in the presence of a similar allele. e.g. it is dwarf.
dominant traits is the one that always wins over a recessive allelle. it is the one that always shows up and it appears in capital letters while recessive traits is always overshadowed if a dominant allelle is present.
Dominant trait: i will overpower you.
recessive trait: i will hide