Difference between fixed partition and dynamic partition in memory management
In fixed partitioning, the main memory is not utilized effectively. The memory assigned to each process is of the same size that can cause some processes to have more memory than they need.
In dynamic partitioning, the main memory is utilized very effectively. The memory assigned to each process is exactly what is needed for the execution of the process.
Partitioning means creating a section
on a drive to store data. Now partitioning
can be done in two ways
1) Fixed Partition
2) Dynamic Partition
Fixed Partition
In fixed partition a fixed memory is allocated
to a drive and cannot be easily expanded.
In this type of partitioning memory utilization is not done
in effective manner as we don't know how much memory we'll require
for a particular task before performing it and as a result sometimes memory is wasted in the process.
Dynamic Partition
Dynamic partitions can change its size when its required to.
Here the memory utilization becomes more effective as the memory is allocated
Dynamically(as per the requirement).