Biology, asked by amrita6574, 11 months ago

difference between global warming and about green house effect​


Answered by zaryaaab


The greenhouse effect is where light can pass through a gas or vapor, etc, but heat is absorbed….which causes an effect analogous to why a greenhouse is hot inside…just from the sunlight passing through the glass, and heat not escaping, so the sun makes the greenhouse hotter…the same for a parked car with the windows up, and so forth.

Carbon dioxide, water vapor, and so forth, have this effect, which was first described in th 1800’s.

Also ion the 1800’s, it was calculated how much warmer earth was, due to the CO2 in the atmosphere, than it would have been without it…and, how much warmer it would get, as more CO2 is added.

The CO2 concentration was at ~ 280 ppm for thousands of years, and, when we started to burn fossil fuels, this started to rise, and is now over 400 ppm and rising.

We KNOW the ADDED CO2 is from the burning of fossil fuels, from the isotopes.

That means we know the added CO2 is not from forest fires, volcanoes, etc.

Global Warming, is what we call the above happening, as, the greenhouse effect is magnified by the added CO2, making it warmer the way a greenhouse is warmer…

..and, the warmer it is, the faster water evaporates, putting more water vapor into the air, which ALSO has a greenhouse effect, making it even warmer, which makes more water evaporate into the air, making even more water vapor, which makes it even warmer, and so forth.

This is why its been getting warmer on average across the globe…which is global warming

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