Difference between Hydra and Planaria
Hydra is a genus of small, fresh-water organisms of the phylum Cnidaria and class Hydrozoa. They are native to the temperate and tropical regions. Biologists are especially interested in Hydra because of their regenerative ability – they do not appear to die of old age, or indeed to age at all.....
Planarian any of a group of widely distributed, mostly free-living flatworms of the class Turbellaria (phylum Platyhelminthes). Planaria is the name of one genus, but the name planarian is used to designate any member of the family Planariidae and related families.
Kindly mark as brainliest......
1.Hydra belongs to phylum 1.planaria belongs to phylum
Cnideria. Platyhelminthes.
2.reproduction occurs by 2.reproduction occurs through
'Budding' process. 'regeneration'.
3.hydra lives only in freshwater. 3. planaria lives in saltwater as well as
4.hydra is acoelomate and radially 4.planaria is pseudoceolomate
symmetrical. and bilaterally symmetrical.