Biology, asked by saitharun3309, 9 months ago

Difference between loose connective tissue and dense connective tissue


Answered by Johfrit


Loose connective tissue contains loosely arranged fibres whereas dense connective tissue contqins heavily arranged fibres.Therefore,the main difference between loose connective tissue and dense connective tissue is the density of fibre in the extracellular matrix in each type of connective tissue.

Answered by qwachieve

Loose connective tissues and dense connective tissues are different from each other in the given ways:

  • Composition: Loose connective tissues primarily consists of fibroblasts whereas, dense connective tissue primarily consists of fibrocytes.
  • Fiber built: Loose connective tissues have protein fibers packed with spaces in between them whereas, dense connective tissues are tightly packed fibers without spaces.
  • Function: Loose connective tissues serve as a supporting system for the blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves, muscle fibers, etc. whereas, dense connective tissues form strong structures like tendons and ligaments


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