Difference between loudness and pitch.
What is the difference between Pitch and Loudness?
• Basically, pitch is the lowness or the highness of the sound which is determined by the frequency of the noise. Loudness also affects the pitch but only as a secondary factor.
• Loudness is the measure of the intensity of the sound for an observer. It is directly related to the sound intensity.
• Loudness is measured in sones and loudness level, in phons, whereas the pitch is measured by mels.
• In music, high pitched noises are penetrating sharp while low pitch noises are heavy and smooth. High pitch noises are used to invoke excitement fear and thrill.
1. loudness is the characteristic of a sound by virtue of which a loud sound can be distinguished from a faint sound, both having the same frequency and wave form
2. loudness depends on the amplitude of vibration of the vibrating body
it is the characteristic of sound that differentiates an acute or shrill voice from a flat sound
it depend on frequency