Science, asked by Anonymous, 1 month ago

difference between mixture and compound​


Answered by gabru372


Compound are substances which can be formed by chemically combining two or more elements. Mixtures are substances that are formed by physically mixing two or more substances.

Answered by sruthi728


hope it useful means mark as brainlist please.


The objects around us are created out of matter, and it is present in three forms, i.e. element, compound, and mixture. Chemistry is the branch of science which deals with these three forms of matter elements, compounds, and mixtures. It is difficult for many science students to understand the difference between mixtures and compounds, so here we’ve simplified it for you.

What is a Mixture?

A mixture is created when two or more substances are combined physically in indefinite proportions.

What is a Compound?

A compound is creating by mixing two or more elements together chemically and in a definite proportion.

Difference Between Mixtures and Compounds

                                                                           Difference between Mixtures and Compounds

The important difference between Mixtures and Compounds

ParameterMixturesCompoundsDefinitionMixtures are impure substances, made up of two or more physically mixed substances. They can be homogeneous or heterogeneous by nature.They are the pure form, made up of two or more elements that are chemically mixed. These are generally homogeneous.CompositionSubstance mixed is not in a fixed ratioThe ratio of the elements mixed is fixed.PropertiesThe properties of the mixtures also vary (not fixed) as it depends on the type of substances and the quantity by which these are being mixed.For the particular type of compound, the properties are fixed and do not vary, as the elements present in the compounds are fixed and are in the fixed ratio.FormulaMixtures do not have a certain formula.They have a specific formula, which depends on the constituents present in it.SeparationThe substances of the mixtures are easy to separate by different physical methods like filtration, chromatography, and evaporation.It is not easy to separate the elements of compounds. However, only chemical methods are useful in separating them.SubstancesNo new substances form from the mixtures, due to the unchangeable properties of its constituents.When we do the mixing of the chemical properties of the different constituents, there is always the formation of the new substances.Melting/Boiling pointMixtures do not have a fixed melting or boiling point.The compound has a fixed melting and boiling point.Heat changeThere is no heat change or involvement of energy while making a mixture.During the formation of the compounds, as it is a chemical reaction there is a heat change and consumption or release of energy.ExamplesAlloys like brass, bismuth, chromium, etc.Compounds like Baking soda, Methane, Salt, etc.

After highlighting the differences between mixtures and compounds, we will be giving a brief description of mixtures and compounds.


When we mix two or more substances together, whose ratio is not fixed such that no chemical reaction takes place, the substance formed is a mixture.

When we form a mixture, the components retain their properties even after we mix them, as a solution, suspension, and colloids. The combination of substances shall be capable of being separated back to normal through physical means.

Mixtures consist of a diverse range of substances which are of two types:

Homogeneous mixture: It is a uniform mixture, in which the constituents cannot be distinguished easily by simple observation.

Heterogeneous mixture: A mixture in which constituents are of different shape, size, or state and are easily distinguishable through simple observation.


The substance formed as a blend of various elements chemically in a fixed ratio is termed as compounds. Compounds are entirely new substances, whose properties are different from that of its constituent substances.

The compound is the fusion of various elements so that the atoms present in the elements are held together by the chemical bond, which cannot be easily split. Bonds are created out of the sharing of electrons among atoms.

So, there are different types of bonds:

Covalent bond: A chemical bond in which the exchange of a pair of electrons between atoms takes place, is termed as a molecular bond or covalent bond.

Ionic bond: A chemical bond, wherein the whole sole transmission of valence electrons between atoms takes place is termed as the ionic bond.

Metallic bond: Bond occurring as a result of electrostatic attraction between metallic ions and conduction electrons.

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