Difference between monohybrid and dihybrid cross (phenotypic ratio)
⭕ Mono hybrid cross by Mendel
◆ In this cross is with one pair of contrasting character. In monohybrid cross, Mendel crossed pure bred tall pea plant with pure bred dwarf pea plant.
◆ He observed that only tall plants were produced in the first generation. When he produced the second generation by self pollinating the plants of first generation he observed that plants were produced in ratio of 3:1.
◆ In other words, 75% of plants were tall and 25% of plants were dwarf. No plants with intermediate size were produced.
⭕ Dihybrid cross is done with two pair of contrasting character.
◆ He crossed pure bred pea plant with round yellow seeds with pure bred pea plant with wrinkled green seeds.
◆ 4 types of plants were produced in second generation. Ratio 9:3:3:1.