Difference between part 3 and part 4 of the indian constitution
What is the difference between Constitution part 3 and part 4?
Part III ( art 12 to 35) of the constitution deals with the Fundamental rights , fundamental rights are justiciable by the court of law and reasnable restriction on the the state. Fundamental rights can be the ground for nullifying any legislature/Law in term of doctrine of basic structure. These rights prohibits the state from doing certain things. Voilation of FR may invite problems for govt as well individuals and higher court may issue writ jurisdiction in this case.
On the other hand Part IV (ART 36 TO 51)
Deals with DPSP (directive principle of state policy) these are the constitutional instruction to the lagislature and executive for framing policy and legislations with respect to the country or state. These are non justiciable rights which are not enforced by the court of law, however parliament or state lagislature may provide a law for their enforcement. These are the instruction to be followed by govt for the welfare of the society while framing policy and law . These aims to establish socio economic democracy in the country.while fundamental rights establish political democracy.
Hope it helps.
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