Difference between plasma membrane and cell wall.
Plasma membrane is the living membrane found enclosed in cell wall...whereas cell wall is non living/dead layer which protects plasma membrane and cell.
Plasma membrane (cell membrane)
1. It is very thin, flexible and is a living membrane.
2. It is the outermost layer in animal cells and is present in both plant cells and animal cells.
3. It is a semi-permeable membrane.
4. It is made up of lipoproteins.
5. It regulates the entry of certain solutes and ions and maintains the shape of animal cells.
Cell membrane
1. It is a non living and rigid layer surrounding plasma membrane.
2. It is only present in the plant cell.
3. It is freely permeable membrane.
4. It is mainly composed of cellulose.
5. It allows substances in solution to enter and leave the cells without hindrance and gives rigidity and shape to the plant cell.