Difference between pull and push network protocol
In pull protocols, the client periodically connects to the server, checks for and gets (pulls) recent events and then closes the connection and disconnects from the server. The client repeats this whole procedure to get updated about new events. In this mode, the clients periodically PULLs the new events from the server.
The difference is that in push protocols, you get new events (such as a new email, a new chat message, etc) literally instantly. But you may experience a small time delay in pull protocols. Although many apps using the pull protocol, check for new events so regular (e.g. every 30 seconds) that the time delay is mostly not noticeable.
For example, your cell phone is always connected to the mobile network. You can tell this by the signal bars on your phone's screen. When a caller calls, the network sends the call to your cell phone via that active connection your cell phone already have. This is PUSH.
But, when you're waiting for a specific program on your TV, you repeatedly turn it on and check if your program started and then turn in off. This is PULL.
In push protocols, the customer opens an association to the server and preserves it constantly active. The server will transmit (push) all current events to the customer using that single always-on connection. In other words, the server PUSH fresh events to the client.
In pull protocols, the client systematically combines to the server, depositions for and get (pulls) recent results and then terminates the attachment and disconnects from the server. The client reproduces this whole method to get modernized about new events.
In this mode, the clients systematically pull the current events from the server. The distinction is that in push customs, you get new attractions such as a new email, a new chat message, etc correctly. But you may encounter a small time delay in pull obligations.