Computer Science, asked by navyasingh85, 1 year ago

difference between repeat and repeat until block​


Answered by austinmartinezflores


The repeat until block is a loop, just like the forever block. Each time through the loop, the program checks the Boolean block. If the block is false, the program repeats the blocks inside the loop. If the block is true, the program skips the blocks inside the loop and moves on to the next statement in the program.


Answered by smartbrainz

Difference between repeat and repeat until block​ :  

'Repeat() and Repeat Until()' are control block in scratch.

Repeat() Block:

The 'Repeat Block is a Control Block'. Blocks kept inside this block will 'loop a number of times' before the script can be started.

Repeat Until () block:

The 'Repeat Until () block' is a 'Control Block and a C block'. Blocks kept inside this block will loop until the specified 'Boolean statement' is true, in which case the 'code below the block' (if any) will be executed. This loop is of a similar nature to a 'while loop' in some other 'programming languages'.

To know more

how is the repeat block different from the repeat until block ????

What us the difference between repeat and repeat until block?​

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