Difference between stretching and bending vibrations peak
Stretching Vibrations : -
A stretching vibration changes the bond length. There are two types of stretching vibrations.
In symmetric stretching, two or more bonds vibrate in and out together
In asymmetric stretching, some bonds are getting shorter at the same time as others are getting longer.
Bending Vibrations : -
Bending vibrations change the angle between two bonds.
There are four types of bending vibration.
Scissoring : - It is the movement of two atoms toward and away from each
Rocking :- It is like the motion of a pendulum on a clock, but an atom is the pendulum and there are two instead of one.
Wagging :- It is like the motion in which you make a "V" sign with your fingers and bend them back and forth from your wrist.
Twisting : - It is a motion as if the atoms were walking on a treadmill.