Difference between swim bladder and lungs
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Swim bladder & origin of lungs - most vertebrates develop an outpocketing of pharynx or esophagus that becomes one or a pair of sacs (swim bladders or lungs) filled with gases derived directly or indirectly from the atmosphere. Similarities between swim bladders & lungs indicate they are the same organs.
The swimbladder is known as the lung in dipnoans, and the inner walls are formed into numerous alveoli. The swim bladder is structurally and functionally similar to tetrapod lungs. It is single-lobed in Neoceratodus but bilobed in Protopterus and Tepidostiren.
Is the swim bladder an organ that breathes air?
The swim bladder is a true air-breathing organ in dipnoans and bichirs. ADVERTISEMENTS: The swim bladder is a simple sac-like structure filled with a mixture of gases that serves a hydrostatic function in the primitive stage, as demonstrated by the sturgeon and many other fishes.
It differs from higher forms' lungs primarily in origin and blood supply. The swim bladder develops from the gut's dorsal wall and receives blood from the dorsal aorta, whereas the vertebrate lung develops from the pharynx's ventral wall and receives blood from the sixth aortic arch.
To learn more about swim bladder and lungs...