Difference between taxa & taxon
Taxonomy means arrangement. As seen by the taxonomists, taxon is defined as the one or more populations of an organism or organisms which form a unit. A taxon is usually known by a particular name or a known by a particular ranking. Each unit or category of classification is termed as a taxon.
Taxonomy is considered a branch of science. It deals with classification (mostly of animals), usually by like characteristics. One of the approaches is homology (which is not science). We humans can use any number of criteria with which to group things. Psychology, astrology, even business, all use systems of classifications for this purpose.
Taxa (the plural of Taxon) are those individual boxes of classification used for biological purposes (the contents of which change over time, some see them differently, and some cannot even be placed with any semblance of assurance). However, classification systems are not “the truth”. They are man-made categories of convenience for organization, and are often (not only) designed to support any number of preconceived assumptions.