Difference between temperate grassland and temperate deserts
Temperate Grasslands:
• Location - These grasslands are situated in Central Asia, North and South Americas, Himalayan region and South Australia.
• Climate - Summers are warm, winters are cold and rainfall that usually occurs during summer months is brief.
• Plants - Except for a few trees, the grassland are treeless and are an ideal grazing ground. The grasses are short but loaded with nutrients. In many areas extensive wheat and corn farming is practised.
• Animals - Antelopes, buffaloes, zebras, lions, rabbits and Kangaroo live in these grasslands.
Temperate Deserts:
• Location - These deserts are located in the interiors of of Asian and South American continent.
• Climate - These deserts experience extremely hard climatic conditions with very little precipitation in the form of snow.
• Plants - Small thorny bushes, shrubs and coarse grass grow in these deserts.
• Animals - Camels, brown bears and mountain goats are found in temperate deserts.