Difference between therapeutic and pharmacological effect
Pharmacology is the study of drugs, of their action and their employment.
A drug can be defined like any compound introduced into a living organism, animal or human, in order to prevent or to cure a disease, or only to attenuate symptoms, or to establish a diagnosis.
A drug is not a mysterious or a magic object. It is a well defined molecule which, according to its structure, interacts with a target of our body or that of a microorganism and causes effects related to the modification of this target. Its beneficial effects, its clinical uses and often its adverse effects result from this interaction. A drug is a molecule of which the beneficial effects appeared sufficiently important compared to the adverse effects for obtaining a new drug approval . Drugs, used on a preventive or curative basis of diseases or to modify a physiological parameter like fertility, entered the everyday life of each one.
Therapeutics is the part of the medicine which studies and applies the means suitable to cure and to relieve the patients. The principal difference between pharmacology and therapeutics is that the first is based on the properties of drugs from which are deduced their clinical uses and contraindications, whereas the second is based on the patient and the disease to be treated and looks for the best means for reaching that point: drugs and other means, surgery, psychotherapy, radiotherapy, functional rehabilitation, pacemaker, angioplasties….Pharmacology and therapeutics aim at the same goal- to improve the treatment of the patients - and are complementary.