difference between wbc and rbc
Red blood cells do not have a nucleus on maturity. WBCs are characterized by the presence of a large central nucleus. Due to the presence of haemoglobin, these cells appear red in colour. These cells are colourless, as they do not have any pigment.
Red Blood Cells (RBCs) White Blood Cells (WBCs)
Also called “Erythrocytes”. Also called “Leukocytes”.
They are produced in red bone marrow. Mostly bone marrow, also produced in lymph nodes, spleen, etc.
Nucleus Absent. Nucleus present.
Filled with haemoglobin (Red). Colourless, No Pigment.
RBCs have an average lifespan of 120 days. WBCs live anywhere from a few days (5-21 days).
5 million RBCs in every cubic mm of blood. 3,000 – 7,000 WBCs in every cubic mm of blood.
Number increases during exercises and high altitudes. Number increases during infection.
Formation of RBC is called “Erythropoiesis”. Formation of WBS is called “Leukopoiesis”.
Smaller than WBCs, 7.5µm. Larger than RBCs, 15µm.
Function: Transport of Respiratory Gases (Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide) Function: Defense Mechanisms
RBC are called red blood cell