Difference difference between artificial and natural system of classification
1. Classification based on important points of similarity.--Natural
Classification according to some unimportant or less important points of resemblance. --Artificial
2. It is grouping of thesis according to nature’s plan and order.--Natural
Grouping of things according to the purpose of individual concerned. --Artificial
3. It is an objective classification.--Natural
It is an subjective classification. --Artificial
4. It is for general purpose.--Natural
It is subjective purpose. --Artificial
5. Natural classification is a language of ideas, mind and thoughts.--Natural Book classification is a language of ordinary numbers. --Artificial
6. It is expressed through methods of expression, not merely through words.--Natural
It is expressed through words, figure language, cyber language. --Artificial
7. It is designed for extensive thoughts and knowledge.--Natural
It is designed for specific purpose of mechanizing arrangement.--Artificial
Hope it helps u.
only one or two morphological characters for grouping of organism is used. Flowers and non flowering plants, enaima and anaemia. It is based on aristotle classification.
takes into consideration comparable study of a number of characters so as to bring out natural similarities and dissimilarities and hence natural relationship among organisms. Based on Bentham and hooker classification.