difference facets of concrete knowledge and absolute knowledge
Difference facets of concrete knowledge and absolute knowledge
Concrete knowledge is the knowledge based on actual facts while absolute knowledge is based on abstraction is do not necessary needs facts. Concrete knowledge hence has a limit as need to be backed by facts. Absolute knowledge is more of intellectual knowledge. It can have multiple meanings. Absolute knowledge involves mental process.
Different facets of concrete knowledge and absolute knowledge
Knowledge is the ability to perceive and analyse any term, situation or circumstance. It can be categorised as concrete or absolute. There are different facets of concrete and absolute knowledge.
Abstract Knowledge
- Abstract Knowledge refers to all conceptual knowledge acquired by an individual without a physical referent.
- It is an intellectual knowledge that is acquired by deep thinking and imagination .
- It is creative and Platonic .
- It is not always factual .
- It is a figurative means of thinking .
- It is intrinsic .
- It is not bound by Time and Place .
- Beauty, love, truth and imagination are examples of Abstract Knowledge.
Concrete Knowledge
- Concrete Knowledge refers to all learnt knowledge acquired with reference to a physical referent .
- It is a generalised form of knowledge either taught or acquired through observation and learning and does not require deep thinking or contemplatation .
- It is based on facts .
- It is extrinsic .
- It is real and tangible.
- It is bound by Time and Place.
Subject knowledge, skills are all examples of Concrete Knowledge.
Learn more about knowledge.
Facts of knowledge : local and universal knowledge.