Political Science, asked by bindunppn2839, 8 months ago

Difference in election of president and vice president


Answered by kumarimranju83


In India, we have a parliamentary form of government where the president serve the nation only as a de-jure head. As a nominal head of the state Indian president enjoys the highest position of the country, status of the first citizen of India. As India is a vast country with it's diverse geographical area as well as heterogenous nature of the society, direct election of the president is not possible. So, Indian president is elected indirectly by a electoral college consisting of the elected members of the both houses of Parliament, the elected members of legislative assmeblies of the state and the elected members of Union territories of Delhi and Puducherry. The election is held in accordance with the system of the proportional representation by means of single transferrable vote and voting by secret ballot. Now, comes to the Vice-president. Indian Vice-president enjoys the second highest position in the country and his position has similarities with the position of the American Vice-president. Like President of India , the Vice-president also not elected directly but by the members of an electoral college. But in case of Vice-presidential election the electora college is different. In case of presidential election only elected members of the both houses of Parliament have the right to vote but in case of Vice-presidential presidential election both elected and nominated members have the right to vote. And secondly whether in case of presidential election members of state legislative Assemblies are included , in Vice presidential election it doesn't include the members of the state legislative Assemblies

Answered by Anonymous


The Vice President of India (IAST: Bhārat kē Uparāṣhṭrapati) is the second-highest constitutional office in India after the President.[2] Article 63 of Indian Constitution states that "There shall be a Vice President of India." The Vice President acts as President in the absence of the president due to death, resignation, impeachment, or other situations.

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