Differences between clinical, laboratory and maximum minimum thermometers
…most laboratory chemicals. Long stem allows the user to make measurements while stirring solutions. It is ideal for use in deep vessels. Replaces mercury thermometers Plastic and stainless-steel construction (no glass or mercury) makes it safer than mercury thermometers. It is virtually…
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Measures in °F/C with a range of 32 to 392°F or 0 to 200°C Resolution is 1° and accuracy is ±1% Combined timer, thermometer and alarm in one unit with 0.75” triple display simultaneously shows timer setting, current temperature and temperature alarm setting. Timer alarm and temperature…
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Clinical thermometers:
Clinical thermometers are those thermometers which are used to measure the temperature of the human body for medical purpose. It is commonly used in every house, clinic, and hospitals.
Laboratory thermometers:
Laboratory thermometers are those thermometers which are used in laboratories to measure the temperature of solutions and elements while doing experiments in the laboratory for research and educational purpose.
Minimum thermometers:
Minimum thermometers are those thermometers which are used to measure the minimum temperature of the day.
Maximum thermometers:
Maximum thermometers are those thermometers which are used to measure the maximum temperature of the day.