differences between reticulum and parallel vination
Following are the key differences on two types of arrangement of veins displayed by the plants: 1 Parallel venation can be described as the veins showing the parallel arrangement to one another, all over the leaf blade or lamina, while the veins in reticulate venation show network ... 2 The orientation of veins is parallel to one another in parallel venation, but in reticulate venation, the veins produce a network or web-like structure. 3 Parallel venation is seen monocot plants like banana, bamboo, wheat, maize, etc. Reticulate venation is seen in dicot plants like mango, hibiscus, ficus, etc.
*The arrangements of veins of the leaf blade is called venation.*
The main difference between reticulate and parallel venation is that reticular venation is has a net-like vein patterns on the lamina whereas the parallel venation is the presence of parallel patterns of veins on the lamina
Eg of parellel venation:- Wheat, Maize, Banana ..etc.
Eg of reticulate venation:- Mango, Hibiscus ..etc.