Science, asked by renupranjal2007, 10 months ago

Differentiate between:-.
a) Artery and Pulmonary Artery
b) Atrium and Ventricles


Answered by suhanisuryawanshi29
Please mark as brain list please please please

1)Arteries carry oxygenated blood away fromthe heart to all parts of the body. ... However, the pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood away from the right side of the heart to the lungs.

2)The atrium is the upper chamber in which blood enters the heart. There are two atriain the human heart – the left atriumconnected to the lungs, and the rightatrium connected to the venous circulation. The atria receive blood, and when the heart muscle contracts they pump blood to the ventricles.

vasimjalegar27: copied
Answered by vasimjalegar27
1) arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the herat to all the parts of the body while pulmonary Artery carries Deoxygeneted blood away from heart to lungs.

2)The right part and through which Deoxygeneted blood enters and ventricle is part (left) which receives oxygenated blood from atrium.( left )

vasimjalegar27: thanks
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