Biology, asked by shaunakathy, 1 year ago

Differentiate between Anne lids and anthropods.


Answered by steeve


1. Exoskeletons are absent.

2.They have no distinct heads.

3. They have no jointed appendages.

4. Excretion occurs through nephridia.

5. Respiration occurs through skin or parapodia, e.g. earthworm, Aphrodite.


1. Body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen.

2. Body is covered by chitinous exoskeletons.

3. They have jointed appendages.

4. Excretion occurs through coxal gland on malpighian tubules.

5. Respiration occurs through tracheae or book lungs, e.g. prawn, cockroach.

steeve: ur welcome
Answered by ziniyakhan

1) Jointed appendage absent .

2) Body covered with cuticle .

3) True coelom as body cavity present .

4) Closed type of circulatory system present .


1) Body bears Jointed appendages .

2) Body covered with chitinous cuticle forming exoskeleton .

3) Haemocoel present .

4) Open type of circulatory system present .
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