Differentiate between bone and cartilage with examples.
The main difference between bone and cartilage are listed below. Bones are the hard, inelastic and a tough organ that forms part of the vertebral skeleton. Cartilage is a soft, elastic and flexible connective tissue that protects the bone from rubbing against each other. Bones are of two types: compact or spongy.
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Bone Definition
A bone is a connective tissue where the living cells, tissues, and other components are enclosed within hard non-living intercellular material .
The two important constituents of bone are collagen and calcium phosphate that distinguish it from other similar structures like the enamel and chitin.
Long bones are present on limbs while short bones are present on the wrists and ankles. Flat bones form the skull, and the sesamoid bones are present mostly in joints.
Cartilage Definition
Cartilage is a strong, flexible, fibrous tissue that forms rubber-like padding at the ends of long bones that help in the movement of bones.
Cartilages are part of connective tissues that also form a structural part of various organs like the ear and nose.
Cartilages consist of a glycoprotein called lubricin, which helps in bio-lubrication and protects the cartilage against wear and tear.
Examples of Bones
Examples of Cartilage
Auricular cartilage of the ear
Costal cartilage