Differentiate between curdling and fermentation
» Curdled milk :
• It could be natural souring with unknown and mixed bacteria, and it may be very bad smelling curdled milk.
• There are different type of natural fermentation, such as ropy fermentation, which makes milk like a rope, like appearance, and there are some others also.
» Yogurt :
• It is planned fermentation, milk is first heat treated ( such as boiling or at least pasteurization).
• First kill the existing flora, and then milk is inoculated with proper bacteria, for yogurt to produce yogurt.
» Curdled milk :
• It could be natural souring with unknown and mixed bacteria, and it may be very bad smelling curdled milk.
• There are different type of natural fermentation, such as ropy fermentation, which makes milk like a rope, like appearance, and there are some others also.
» Yogurt :
• It is planned fermentation, milk is first heat treated ( such as boiling or at least pasteurization).
• First kill the existing flora, and then milk is inoculated with proper bacteria, for yogurt to produce yogurt.