Social Sciences, asked by niksrcm133, 1 year ago

differentiate between evergreen, deciduous, thorn, montane and mangrove forest.


Answered by Anonymous
>>Heya Yash is here to help u ☆

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》Evergreen Forest :

☆These forest are found over areas where the dry season is short and the rainfall in excess of 300 cm.

☆The forest do not shed their leaves.

☆These trees reach an height of over 50 metres.

☆Example - Rosewood and Mahogany.

》Deciduous forest :

☆The trees in these forests shed their leaves for about six to eight weeks in summer an account of a long dry spell.

☆The rainfall suited for such forests is between 75 to 200 cm.

☆Example- Teak,Sal etc.

》Thorn forests :

☆These are found in the dry region where the rainfall is scanty.

☆The trees are small and stunted.

☆Most dry forests are covered with small thorny bushes called scrubs.

》Mangrove forests :

☆The mangrove tidal forests are found in the areas of coastal influenced by tides.

☆The most famous animal is Royal Bengal tiger in these forests.

》Montane forests :

☆The decreasing temperature with increasing altitude leads to corresponding change in the natural vegetation in mountain areas.

☆The wet temperate type of forests are found between a height of 1000 and 2000 metres.

☆Example =Pine,Deodar etc.

☆These forests covers mostly the southern slopes of Himalayas.

Thanks :)
Answered by surbhigarg

Hope it will help u

I tried to make it more easier to learn and write too

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