Differentiate between maturation and learning with the help of one example each.
Answer: Maturation is the process of becoming mature. ( from a chilf to an adult). Learning is process of acquiring new knowledge, facts, skills and values.
Explanation: Difference b/w Maturation and Learning :-
1) Learning comes through experience , knowledge and Practice., on other hand Maturation comes from within individual as he grows and develops.
2) Maturation influence the process of learning.
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What is Learning?
Learning can be simply defined as knowledge gained through study. This is a rather narrow definition as it positions learning within the educational context. This can be formal or else informal. Formal education includes school education. Imagine you are in a classroom. Depending on your age and capacity, the teacher imparts new knowledge to the student. This is a form of a learning process. However, learning goes beyond the classroom. The child is bombarded with information by different agents. Through the television, newspapers, the behavior of other individuals, the child gains new knowledge.
What is Maturation?
Maturation can be defined as the act of maturing. This not only refers to the physical growth that an individual comes across as he ages, but also the ability to behave, act, and react in an appropriate manner. In this sense, the concept of maturation goes beyond physical growth to embrace other aspects such as emotional and mental growth. Psychologists believe that maturity comes with individual growth and development. This is a process that takes place throughout our adult life, preparing the individual for new situations. Each situation prepares the individual for a situation.
What is the difference between Maturation and Learning?
• Definitions of Maturation and Learning:
• Learning is a process that results in a behavioral change in the individual.
• Maturation is a process where the individual learns to react to situations in an appropriate manner.
• Processes:
• Learning is through practice and experience.
• Maturation is through individual growth and development.
• External Stimuli:
• Learning is a response to external stimuli that result in individual change.
• Maturation does not need external stimuli.
• Maturation and Learning:
• Maturation influences the process of learning. If an individual has not achieved the necessary level of maturity, a particular learning behavior cannot be expected.