Differentiate between solar and wind energy within four points
1. While solar systems take up land space, they don't always have to. Panels can be mounted on rooftops, making them well suited for urban areas.
Wind energy is a clean fuel source, meaning it doesn't pollute the air like power plants that rely on the combustion of fossil fuels.
2. Solar isn't a cure-all for our energy needs in and of itself, however. You're only capturing energy during the daytime, and production levels can vary depending on how clear the sky is. Furthermore, while battery technology is advancing rapidly in its own right, we haven't yet attained an optimal way to store the amounts of energy that would be needed to power large population centers when the sun isn't offering optimal production.
The biggest problem wind production faces are the cost of transporting the energy generated, as the windiest areas are usually remote. In addition, like solar, the wind is an intermittent power source, so you can't count on turbines to provide energy around the clock. Also, the wind is less ideal for residential use for two reasons. One, turbines make noise. While the models are getting quieter, your home turbine may be frowned upon by neighbors, your homeowner's association, or even your city. And to generate any significant amount of electricity, you would have to erect a taller turbine — up and away from wind-blocking buildings and trees and other urban obstacles. That too may not make you the most popular person on the block
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