differentiate between spike and spadix
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Hi Friend,
SPIKE :- 1)The whole peduncle possess sessile flowers.
2) The flowers are exposed.
3) Flowers are generally bisexual.
SPADIX:-1)The upper part of peduncle called appendix remains flowerless .
2)The flowers are covered by spathes
3)Flowers are generally unisexual.
SPIKE :- 1)The whole peduncle possess sessile flowers.
2) The flowers are exposed.
3) Flowers are generally bisexual.
SPADIX:-1)The upper part of peduncle called appendix remains flowerless .
2)The flowers are covered by spathes
3)Flowers are generally unisexual.
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In this type of racemose inflorescence the main axis remains elongated and the lower flowers are older, i.e., opening earlier than the upper ones, as found in raceme, but here the flowers are sessile, i.e., without pedicel or stalk, e.g., amaranth (Amaranthus spp.), latjira (Achyranthes aspera), etc.
This is also a modification of spike inflorescence having a fleshy axis, which remains enclosed by one or more large, often brightly coloured bracts, the spathes, e.g., in members of Araceae, Musaceae and Palmaceae. This inflorescence is found only in monocotyledonous plants.
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