Computer Science, asked by GremlinAngel, 8 hours ago

Differentiate between system and appliaction software

\large\pink\dashrightarrow Maximum 3 points​


Answered by Divya25125


System Software

  • This acts as an interface between the system and the applications

  • It is the platform that allows the various application software to run on the system

  • System Software is generally developed in low-level languages.

  • Each application has a specific purpose and thus is developed with high-level languages so that the purpose can be fulfilled

Application software :-

  • This is designed directly from the user perspective

  • These are independent applications which can be download and lnstalled in the system

  • This is so that the interaction between the software and hardware can be simplified and made more compatible

  • Once a system is turned on, the system software starts working User action is required to start application software. These applications can only be work when the user commands the system to do so

Answered by llBrainlyWarriorll


\huge{\fcolorbox{cyan}{black}{\red{ Answer :- }}}

 \pink{\textsf{ System software }}

  • Systèm søftware is mèant to managè the sy$tem rèsources. It sèrves as the pl@tform to rûn applicatiøn søftware.

  • Systém søftware is develøped in a lõw-lével l@nguage (assèmbly l@nguage for èxample)

  • System software autōmatically st@rts rûnning ønce the systèm is túrned øn and støps whèn the systèm is shût døwn.

  • A systém c@n nøt evèn st@rt withøut systèm søftware

  • Systém søftware is endøwed with a gèneral pûrpose.

  • A typîcal èxample for a systèm søftware is Windøws Opèrating Systèm

 \pink{\textsf{ Application Software }}

  • Applicatîøn søftware hèlps pèrform a spécific sèt of fûnctions for whích thèy havé bèen dèsigned.

  • Applicatîon søftware is devèloped in a hîgh-lèvel langûage such as J@va, C++, .nèt and VB.

  • Application software carrîes a spècific pûrpose.

  • Applic@tion søftware is usèr specific and it is not nèedèd to run the system øn the whøle.

  • Applic@tion software carrîes a spècific pûrpose.

  • Some charactèristic ex@mples for applic@tion software is M S Office, Photøshop and CōrelDraw
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