differentiate between the following ( 2 points for each)
c) endemics and pandemics
AN EPIDEMIC is a disease that affects a large number of people within a community, population, or region. A PANDEMIC is an epidemic that's spread over multiple countries or continents.
Infectious diseases are spread by either bacterial or viral agents and are ever-present in society. Usually infected cases are present in numbers below an expected threshold but every once in a while there may be an outbreak, a new strain or a new disease that has a significant impact at either a local or global level[1]. The spread and rate of new cases can be classified as[1]:
Endemic - describes a disease that is present permanently in a region or population
Epidemic - is an outbreak that affects many people at one time and can spread through one or several communities
Pandemic - is the term used to describe an epidemic when the spread is global.
Ae aegypti ae albopictus.jpg
Endemic is derived from Greek en meaning in and demos meaning people. It is used to describe a disease that is present at an approximately constant level within a society or country. Each country may have a disease that is unique, for example
Caribbean Dengue is still present due to a failure to eradicate the Aedes aegypti mosquito (see image R). Dengue first appeared in the Americas and the Caribbean and with the assistance of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) in the 1950s and 1960s the Americas were largely able to eradicate the presence of the Aedes Aegypti virtually eliminating the occurrence of Dengue[2]. However, failure to eradicate its presence in the Caribbean resulted in the continued transmission throughout the region and more recently it has found its way back into the Americas causing several epidemics[2].
Varicella, more commonly known as chickenpox in the UK. It is more common in children under the age of 10, who often only experience mild symptoms and after exposure develop a natural immunity to the virus. Although there is a vaccine available it is only offered to those who are seen as vulnerable.[3]
Malaria is another infectious disease that is endemic to Africa; through education and implementing countrywide strategies the cases of Malaria are now falling