Biology, asked by aashkaguptachocolate, 8 months ago

Differentiate between the following pairs:
a) Asexual reproduction and Sexual reproduction
b) Complete flower and Incomplete flower
c) Gamete and Zygote
please answer quickly


Answered by Anonymous


  1. That is the main difference between sexual and asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction just means combining genetic material from two parents. Asexual reproduction produces offspring genetically identical to the one parent.
  2. Complete flowers are flowers that have all four main components: sepals, petals, pistils and stamens while incomplete flowers lack at least
  3. Gametes" are specifically sex cells that have 23 chromosomes. "Diploid" refers to any cell that has all 46 chromosomes. "Zygote" is the result of two gamete (haploid) cells fusing, and becoming a diploid cell. one of those elements. Flowering plants all have sepals, but sepals are rarely found on plants that do not produce flowers.
Answered by roshni6286


a) Sexual Reproduction just means combining genetic material from two parents.

Asexual reproduction produces offspring genetically identical to the one parent.

B). If a flower has sepals, petals, pis-tils and stamens, it is a complete flower.

If a flower is missing one of those, it is an incomplete flower.

c). Gametes are Specifically sex cells that have 23 Chromosomes. Diploid refers to any cell that has all 46 Chromosomes.

Zygote is the result of two gamete (haploid) cells fusing, and becoming a diploid cell.

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