differentiate between yeast virus algae bacteria fungi
Fungi are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms, while bacteria are single-celled prokaryotes.
The cells of fungi have nuclei that contain the chromosomes and other organelles, such as mitochondria and ribosomes.
Bacteria are much smaller than fungi, do not have nuclei or other organelles and cannot reproduce sexually
Viruses are smaller than Fungi and Bacteria, they are not always harmful to human beings but considering they live and multiply using host material they are considered harmful in general.
A point that I missed in the table was the uses of Viruses: They are used in biotechnology research in general and drug discovery specifically for molecular biology related activities (e.g cloning and transforming Cells). Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria and used especially in treatments where antibiotics do not work.Answer:
Algae are a group of simple, typically autotropic organisms, ranging from unicellular to multicellular forms. Fungi are a group of unicellular or multinucleate organisms that live and grow on decomposed matter.
Algae Fungi
Domain Eukaryotic Eukaryotic
Singular Alga Fungus
Kingdom Protista Fungi
Habitat Abundantly present in water bodies, terrestrial areas, and some unusual areas such as ice, snow, etc. More prominent in moist habitat
Body Thallus Mycelium
Spores Zoospores, aplanospores and chlamydospores Canidiospores, zoospores and aplanospores
Nutrition Light, minerals from water Nutrients from carbon based life forms
Cell wall composition Carbohydrates and cellulose chitin
Chlorophyll Present Absent
Term Origin Latin for seaweed Latin for mushroom
Etymology Unknown Originates from the Greek word, “sphongos” meaning sponge.
Reproduction Asexual and complex Sexual, asexual and spore dispersal
Nature Non-parasitic Parasitic and saprophytes
Uses Food, Firewood, Enricher, dyes, bioremediation, pollution control of air and plastics, energy source. Food, drug, medicine, pest control, industrial chemicals, and enzymes.
Examples Seaweed and freshwater moss Mushrooms, yeast, and truffles
What is Algae?
Algae are most frequently present in aquatic bodies, but few forms also survive on rocks or hard matters in a humid environment. Sometimes algae grow as epiphytes. Thallus (body of algae) is made up of parenchyma cells. Cells of algae contain chloroplast because of which algae seems green in color. They are known to be related to the plants because algae contain chlorophyll. But sometimes this pigment is masked by other pigments and algae appear in brown or red colors. But they lack roots and stems. Algae size varies from a few microscopic to over 100 feet in length, but it depends on the type of algae. They can also reproduce by many from simple asexual cell division to complex forms of sexual reproduction. They mostly reproduce by sexually, asexually and vegetative. There are almost 25,000 species of algae are present in the world. Algae is categorized into six phyla namely; Chrysophyta, Euglenophyta, Pyrrophyta, Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, and Rhodophyta. It is said that the first plant on earth derived from freshwater algae such as Chara almost 500 million years ago. Some types of algae can develop a symbiotic relationship with other organisms, where they provide organic matter. Coral reefs, Lichens, and sea sponges are a few of these organisms that obtain nutrients from algae. Some algae forms are also edible such as seaweeds. Other examples of algae are Spirogyra, Volvox, Chlorella, Chlamydomonas and Gelidium Fucus.