differentiate metal and nonmetal on the basis of their physical and chemical properties
according to periodic table also....
metel are lustre.nonmetel are brittle
metel are sonorus nonmetel are tuff
physical properties
1. metals are malleable but non metals are not.
2. metals are ductile but non metals are not
3. metals are lustrous but non metals are not.
4. metals are generally hard except sodium and potassium but non metals are generally soft except carbon {in the form of diamond}
5. metals are solid at room temperature except mercury but non metals may be solid, liquid or gaseous at room temperature
chemical properties
1. reaction of metal with oxygen to form metal oxide while non metals react with oxygen to form acidic oxide.
2. reaction of metal with water to form metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas while non metals do not react with water to evolve hydrogen gas
3.sodium reacts with cold water forming sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas while reaction of non metals with dilute acid
4. reaction of metal with dilute acids while reaction of non metals with salt solution