diffferentiate between climate and weather? why in certain places there is a difference of day n night temperature? Which features controls climate of a place? Which factorxs affect India's climate? Define the following term 1) Coriolis force. 2) Jet streams. 3) Western cyclonic disturbance. 4) EL-NINO 5) Sourthern oscillation. 6) ENSO Q. Why is India's cliamte known as monsoon? Q. Write any five teatures of the following- 1) The cold weather season. 2) The hot weather season 3) The advancing monsoon. 4) The retreating monsoon. Q. Why north-east of India recieved maximum rainfall? Q. Which factors determine the amount of monsoon in India? Q. Define burst of monsoon, give an account of climates condition of the cold weathers season in India?
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the differences between the weather and climate the state of atmospheric conditions over an area at a particular time refers to weather these weather conditions for sure very often in a short period climate refers to large period changes follow similar pattern over many years
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