Difficult to monitor and very dangerous form of corrosion is
the answer is rusting.........
Pitting corrosion is a specific type of corrosion that causes "holes" or cavities to emerge in the material. Because pitting is more challenging to detect, anticipate, and design against than homogeneous corrosion damage, it is thought to be more harmful.
Step 1: One of the most damaging forms of corrosion is pitting, which can be challenging to anticipate, identify, and describe. Pitting is a localised kind of corrosion in which a nearby cathodic point or anodic point joins forces with the surrounding normal surface to produce a tiny corrosion cell.
Step 2: Pitting corrosion is a type of localised, limited corrosion of a metal surface that manifests as cavities. One of the most harmful types of corrosion is called pitting corrosion.
Step 3: One of the most harmful and sneaky types of corrosion is pitting. It results in equipment failure due to perforation with just a tiny percentage of the whole structure's weight lost. Due to their tiny size and frequent coating with corrosion agents, pits are sometimes difficult to identify.
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