diffraction between calcenation and redocution
calcination is process of converting carbonate ore into oxide whereas roasting is a process of converting sulphide ore into oxide. roasting is done in presence of oxygen bit not calcination.
Hope u get a help..... give thank
is the process of heating the ore below its melting point an absence of air to remove volatile impurities like arsenic etc.
They are reduction of the ore with carbon, reduction of the molten ore by electrolysis, and reduction of the ore with a more reactive metal.
This is the second step in the extraction of metals from their respective ores. Now once we obtain metal oxides from the ores, they must now reduce them. Again in this reduction process, we heat the metal oxide. But this time we add a reducing agent. This reducing ageing is usually Carbon or a carbon compound. This is because they react best with oxygen and are readily and cheaply available.
Now when the carbon reacts with the metal oxide reduction takes place, This is when electron gain or electronation occurs. This means the carbon combines with the oxygen, leaving us with a pure metal. The general reaction for reduction is as follow
MxOy + yC → xM + CO