Diffrent between primitive age and modern age
Lasting roughly 2.5 million years, the Stone Age ended around 5,000 years ago when humans in the Near East began working with metal and making tools and weapons from bronze. Modern Age is an American conservative academic quarterly journal, founded in 1957 by Russell Kirk in close collaboration with Henry Regnery.
humans in the stone age did not live a happy, long and healthy life
I keep hearing this again and again about how "we are so sick today". In the paleolithic to neolithic era humans did not have blood pressure and diabetes problems in their late fifties and early sixties, because very few lived to be that old. Most people died in their teens, twenties or thirties, one common cause being rotting teeth.
Wikipedia has a timeline for average human life length during different eras with sources (see ). The estimates are sourced to various studies of bones that have been found.
The picture that alternative medicine/diet loons keep spreading about some romantic foregone past "in balance with mother nature" is uninformed humbug. Spreading such lies is pernicious and it is the duty of any thinking person to refute it for the common got