Political Science, asked by jacquelynhall73316, 1 year ago

Difine state. Discuss the important elements of state​


Answered by Typhoone


Elements of State:

A State stands identified with its four absolutely essential elements:

1. Population:

State is a community of persons. It is a human political institution. Without a population there can be no State. Population can be more or less but it has to be there. There are States with very small populations like Switzerland, Canada and others, and there are States like China, India and others, with very large populations.

2. Territory:

Territory is the second essential element of the State. State is a territorial unit. Definite territory is its essential component. A State cannot exist in the air or at sea. It is essentially a territorial State. The size of the territory of a State can be big or small; nevertheless it has to be a definite, well-marked portion of territory.

3. Government:

Government is the organisation or machinery or agency or magistracy of the State which makes, implements, enforces and adjudicates the laws of the state. Government is the third essential element of the State. The state exercises its sovereign power through its government.

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Answered by anika107695

hlo \: mate \\ here \: is \: your \: answer


Essential Elements of State

The State Must , Therefore, Possess The Elements of-





1.Population is Essential Elements of State.

Two conclusions flow from the discussion on the meaning and nature of the state:

(I) that the State is a human institution the product of man’s gregarious nature and the result of necessities of human life, and

(2) population and land are the starting point of any study of man in his organized groups. It is the people who make the State, without them there can be none. But population must be large enough to make a State and sustain it.

2. Territory.

Some writers ignore territory as an element of the State. Leon Duguit says, “The word State designates the rulers or else the society itself m which the differentiation between rulers and ruled exists and m which, for that very reason, a public power exists” Duguit is chiefly interested in the differentiation between rulers and ruled which takes place in almost all human societies, large or small, primitive or civilized and then he tersely says that territory is not an indispensable element in the formation of a State. Sir John Seeley, too “does not regard territory as an essential attribute of the State.” If a society is held together, he maintains, by the principle of government, it constitutes a State, and Political Science should not concern itself only i with the so called civilized society. Why should we not say that States are found in deserts of Arabia and in other regions where the soil is unfruitful and discourages fixed settlement and agriculture W.W. Willoughby says, “The State itself then is neither the people, the government, the Magistracy, nor the Constitution. Nor is it indeed the territory over which its authority extends. It is the given community of given individuals, viewed in a certain aspect, namely, as a political unity.”

3. Government.

The purpose for which people live together cannot be realized unless they are properly organized and accept certain rules of conduct. The agency created to enforce such rules of conduct and to ensure obedience is called government. Government is the focus of the common purpose of the people occupying a definite territory and it is through this medium that common policies are determined, common affairs are regulated and common interests promoted. Without government the people will be just a babel of tongues with no cohesion and means of collective action. They would divide themselves into groups, parties and even warring associations and thus creating conditions of utter chaos and even civil war. It is, therefore, imperative that there should be a common authority and a consequent order wherever people live. It is the prerequisite of human life and, as such, government is an essential element of the State. The State cannot and does not exist without a government, no matter what form a government may assume.

4. Sovereignty.

Sovereignty of the State is its most essential and distinguishable feature. As people inhabiting a definite portion of territory and having a government do not constitute a state. They must be internally supreme and free from external control. Sovereignty of the State has two aspects, internal sovereignty and external sovereignty Internal sovereignty is the State’s monopoly of authority inside its boundaries. This authority cannot be shared with any other State and none of its members within its territory can owe obedience to any other State. If the State admits no rival within its own territory, it logical follows that it has no authority outside its own territory. Each State is independent of Other States its will is its own, unaffected by the will of any other external authority. This clarifies the the meaning of external Sovereignty.

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