dind 3 root 10 ÷ 3 root 2
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Step-by-step explanation:
Some common roots include the square root, where n = 2, and the cubed root, where n = 3. Calculating square roots and nth roots is fairly intensive. It requires estimation and trial and error. There exist more precise and efficient ways to calculate square roots, but below is a method that does not require significant understanding of more complicated math concepts. To calculate √a:
Estimate a number b
Divide a by b. If the number c returned is precise to the desired decimal place, stop.
Average b and c and use the result as a new guess
Repeat step two
EX: Find √27 to 3 decimal places Guess: 5.125
27 ÷ 5.125 = 5.268
(5.125 + 5.268)/2 = 5.197
27 ÷ 5.197 = 5.195
(5.195 + 5.197)/2 = 5.196
27 ÷ 5.196 = 5.196
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