Directions:Add the correct punctuation marks to the end of these sentences and write whether the sets is declarative interrogative or exclamatory

1. Do you like chewing gum? - interrogative
2. Rehman dropped his book. - declarative
3. My teacher likes to read. - declarative
4. What is your address? - interrogative
5. Who is your teacher? - interrogative
6. What a beautiful day! - exclamatory
7. I love this book. - declarative
8. An island is surrounded by water. - declarative
9. You won. - declarative
10. Computers are a great way to learn. -
11. I like to eat mangoes. - declarative
12. Do you know how many dogs are needed for
each team? - interrogative
13. Take your dog for a walk every day. -
14. That dog tried to bite me. - declarative
15. German Shepherds make good watchdogs.
- declarative
16. I have two pets. - declarative
17. Lara is a pretty girl. - declarative
18. Khan is getting married soon. - declarative
19. Do you think Sundus is an intelligent girl?
- interrogative
20. Sana loves to give presentations. -