Directions and how to identify them - an illustrative diagram
There are four directions to identify any diagram like - North, South, East and West. If you can't remember these direction then you can create names by your choice. In these four directions there are also some sites which are - North east west, south. We can also call this because many times many places or sites will be in the middle directiona. So we need these types of names for remembering.
"The illustrative diagram of directions is as follows.
There are four directions, which are
- East
- West
- North
- South
Identification: In the east the sun rises. If you are facing east and standing, your back is facing west. You'll have north on right and on your left hand, you'll have south. Using a magnetic compass, you can even identify north and it respects their direction.
If we want to make sure about the directions, we can use a magnetic compass"