Math, asked by chaudharyumar, 1 year ago

discipline essay for 10 class


Answered by Arayansingh12


Discipline is the most under-rated, least understood aspect of student life. At that age, it is usually combined with a short-sighted, simplistic understanding of freedom. Discipline is seen as the opposite of Freedom. It is not seen as a synonym for Organized, goal-driven effort. Discipline is just that:it's a sifting and sieving out, of what is not necessary for the goal you have chosen as a student.It is a set of task and effort metrics, that you want to define, to "keep you in" on the path anda set of diversions and limit metrics, that will not keep you away for too long.
Speak to students who came from schools and colleges that "enforced" a certain discipline and a schedule. Or parents who were "after" their children about the list of DOs and Donts.  Some common elements you find will be :  Early rising, balance between academics-sports-arts-social work and other millitary-looking things like punctuality, dress code etc .  We used to joke, "Life is an interval between two bells".   Yet, a large percentage who come back as alumni to the same college will quickly mirror the statement, " I didn't realize the value at that time, but now I see that many of those qualities have become a natural part of me. ".  Why is that ? It is somewhat like, how we see the efforts of our English teachers. I never understood why she had to correct the spelling/pronounciation from Gooliver to Gulliver repeatedly, you realize it when friends seek you out to proofread their work. 

To pose as neutral, a small percentage may find that it "ruined" them, but that should be seen in comparison to those students who were ruined for lack of discipline, in institutions which didn't enforce it. ( I don't mean those who abuse the word discipline, thats a different thread altogether).   Even the in-betweeners will often point out, one or two aspects that didn't work for them, but how their overall output was related to the overall discipline framework they followed. 

The importance of this can be understood, from the various success mantras doled out by highly effective people, in motivation websites and sites like Quora and LinkedIn. We read those websites as adults, we find, 'Ah! good points, I should follow some of those. From tomorrow, I'll use a time-tracking app". Yet, most of these will point to framing a self-discipline for oneself, based on one's goals and priorities. Some of them actually use a phrase, "Have a ritual". The point of discipline is not so much to tame the body, but to tame the mind, so that it can boss over the body and put it to good use.  Often, they would suggest a mix-masala recipe, in varying proportions, of : good time management,etiquette, courtesy, warmth, mutual respect, presentability of appearancerevival mechanisms such as diverse interests, reading/running/music,quality concentration time
We find them relevant to adult life and professional success at a stage, when we can discern these things by ourselves, and apply ourselves to it. Then, imagine how much more it is relevant during student life, a stage when you have both in your hands, things that can work for you or against you. As a student, you have : 
 most personal distractions,maximum energy,maximum potential,uncertainty andincomplete information about your future 
The difference between discipline in adult life and discipline in student life is this:
As an adult, you know you need it but can't apply yourself to it (because it's too late or life has gotten too complex). 
As a student, you can apply yourself to it, but you think you don't need it. 

If you are a student, you may resent it in a moment of impulse, but in another calm moment, I would urge you to see its relevance in the larger picture. 

If you are an educator or a parent, the question you need to ask is, not, how do I make a list of points to tell the young man. But, how can I make him see the benefits at the right time, now, and not too late in life. How can I combine it with empathy, helpfulness and rubbing shoulders like friends? Also see, what part of it am I not endeavouring to practise, but want to preach from a high pedestal. 

Now as to Freedom, seen as an opposite of Discipline. You are already bound by your pursuit of success and happiness. If you are not bound, you are free to beg on the streets, but you are bound by your hunger and the random graphless compassion of  alms-givers. The "romantic" idea of "liberating, releasing" freedom that you fantasize during college, does not take into account the ways in which such fantasy will bind you to failure and disappointment. Satan markets the Freedom brochure, with the terms and conditions in fineprint.  
Answered by divyanshi261
hey your answer ☜☆☞
Discipline is implicit obedience to the commands of a superior authority, and acceptance of punishment with a smile for any breach thereof. If there is no discipline in life, there is anarchy. Life is disordered. There is no plain. No one action is related to another so that nothing reaches its, proper conclusion. Little observation will show that form heaven above to earth below, everywhere discipline reigns supreme, for instances, the earth, the moon and the stars move around the sun, according to certain specific rules. Even animals are disciplined under their leader. The life of bees in a hive is a model of disciplined life.

The home is nursery where we receive our first lesson of discipline through obedience to parents and elders. As we pass out of the nursery and enter the portals of an educational institution, discipline becomes a matter of vital importance. That is because student life is a period of preparation for the bottle of life. No less is the need for discipline in the playground. A disciplined team, through weak, has a great advantage over its rival, strong but ill organized.

In society there is a great need for discipline. If its individual members are permitted to do whatever they like, society will break up and onward march of civilization and progress will be arrested. Lack of discipline among the youth of country may endanger national security.

No where perhaps is discipline more necessary than in the army. Here a moments hesitation may mean defend and death. Difficulty, danger even death itself should not prevent a soldier from carrying out the orders of his commander, even if they are unjust or difficult.

There are, however men who are opposed to discipline. They think that it kills originality and takes away initiative. Disciplined people, they say, are just like parts of machinery. A man is not a machine. He, therefore, should not be expected to be obedient and orderly.

This is a very wrong view of discipline. It is the extreme of authoritarianism. Discipline does not mean that. It allows originality. There is no objection to people taking to any work and adapting any thought. The only demand that discipline makes is that you should have a plan and an order.

Discipline is a precious asset. Life without discipline is like a ship without a rudder. It is a rod to check the erring, a break to control the thoughtless action of man. Its purpose is to see that liberty does not degenerate into license.

Good Luck To U
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