Discribe rules of marriages amongst some of the communities in india about 500 words
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we can't break our relationship without the permission of our second partner. 2. we can't marry another women or men if 1st one doesn't agree or is still alive
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Even after the coming of Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 and other such Legislations many of the Indian communities practice rigid customs related with marriage. Practice of endogamy is one of the important rule that allows marriage only within his or her own caste. As of now many of the Indian communities practice exogamy as well because the practice of endogamy has become less relevant. Second important rule is that cross- cousin marriages are prohibited in many of the communities in India. Marrying a girl of same gotra is also prohibited as it is believed that they offer rice balls to the common ancestor. Moreover, marriages between people of same class is also prevalent . As according to some daughter of a wealthy family should only get married to the son of a wealthy family. The practice of dowry though is less relevant but is still practiced in many of the rural communities in India.
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