English, asked by swift1, 1 year ago

discribe the circumstances that led to signing of fatal bond by antonio and state its consequences


Answered by Lamboissocute
Antonio was avery close friend of bassanio and was also a very generous person. He lent loans to people without charging them any interest. This caused other moneylenders mainly Shylock to turn against him. Antonio was a very kind-hearted person,, but like every other man, he had his flaws- he despised the jews. Once, bassanio asked Antonio for some money, but Antonio didnot have any at hand because he had invested it all in his business ventures. Bassanio wanted the money because he wanted to go to Belmont and court the rich and beautiful heiress Portia. Despite not having the money, Antonio agrees to help bassanio by becoming his guarantor/ surety for the bond if he borrows money form another money lender. Bassanio and Antonio, then meet shylock, another moneylender who offers to lend the requested amount of 3000 ducats for 3 months. Shylock seems like a nice person to Antonio because he offers to lend the money without charging them any money, but on reality, shylock is a wicked man because he sees this as an opportunity to thke his revenge on Antonio since he ( Antonio) hated Jews and shylock haed Christians. Antonio used to look down upon the newspaper and publicly humiliate them. Shylock was a person dedicated to his religion and thus wanted revenge. Shylock forgoes his previously highly charged interests and demands instead that if the day for payment falls due and the money is not returned, he may cut off one pound of flesh from Antonio's body. Antonio agrees because all of his ships are due back in Venice a full month before the bond falls due. This leads Antonio to sign the fatal bond. Hope this helps!! All the best.
Answered by UrFirstLove1


above answer is right

hope that answer helps u

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