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A growing body of research investigates various aspects of the dialogical self theory and the concept of positioning. However, the majority of these studies are qualitative in nature and the empirical verification of fundamental assumptions which form the basis of the dialogical self theory is largely lacking. We review a series of newly conducted experiments which provide preliminary evidence for the hypothesis that the mind is dialogically structured and that each I-position is represented in a separate representation module, shaped in a particular social context. By experimentally activating different I-positions it is possible to demonstrate their effects on various cognitive processes and behaviour. In the article we describe several experiments which were aimed at verifying the discursive architecture of mind model's validity (for the detailed description of the model see the preceding article in this volume). In some earlier research, initial confirmation of the empirical existence of the positioning phenomenon was obtained. It also was demonstrated that interactive positioning can be thought of in terms of social influence (Stemplewska-Żakowicz, Zalewski & Suszek, 2005). Other research (Stemplewska-Żakowicz, Walecka & Gabińska, 2006) provided initial empirical support for the thesis that knowledge structures are specific for social context. This research also gave an opportunity to test different methods of experimental positioning (Stemplewska-Żakowicz, Walecka, Gabińska, Zalewski & Suszek, 2005).