English, asked by ps3840173, 10 months ago

Discuss about the poetic devices used in the poem rain on the roof
Class 9 (with good explanation)


Answered by janakash992


Rain on the Roof - CBSE class 9 English Poem- detailed explanation of the lesson along with meanings of difficult words and literary devices used in the poem. Given here is the complete explanation of the Poems, along with summary. All the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of the lesson

Poem and Explanation

Stanza 1

When the humid shadows hover

Over all the starry spheresEntrance Exams 2020

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Rain on the Roof, Class 9 English Explanation, Summary

By Ruchika Gupta

Rain on the Roof - Poem Class 9 CBSE English Explanation, Summary, Question Answers, Difficult words

Rain on the Roof - CBSE class 9 English Poem- detailed explanation of the lesson along with meanings of difficult words and literary devices used in the poem. Given here is the complete explanation of the Poems, along with summary. All the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of the lesson

Rain on the Roof

By Coates Kinney

Introduction to the Poem

From the title of the Poem-‘Rain on the Roof’, we can make out that the poem is about the rain. The poet is telling us about the memories he has of the rain. The sound of the raindrops falling on the roof of his house brings back sweet memories of the past.

See Video for Explanation and Summary of the Lesson

Poem and Explanation

Stanza 1

When the humid shadows hover

Over all the starry spheres

And the melancholy darkness

Gently weeps in rainy tears,

What a bliss to press the pillow

Of a cottage-chamber bed

And lie listening to the patter

Of the soft rain overhead!

Humid: something which is full of moisture.

‘shadows’ refers to the moisture laden clouds which cast a shadow on the earth.

hover: Move around something

melancholy: sad

bliss: Happiness

patter: sound of raindrops falling on the roof.

Cottage chamber means the bedroom.

The poet is saying that when the humid shadows hover (here,‘humid shadows’ refers to dark clouds which are full of water). The poet is saying that when the sky is full of these clouds which are moisture - laden, are full of water and are about to bring rain, when such clouds hover around in the sky, over all the starry spheres (‘starry spheres’ refers to the skyat night time which is full of stars).At that time, huge clouds which are full of moisture, move around in the sky and the sad darkness of the night is wiped off by the raindrops which seem like tears falling from the sky. The poet is comparing rain drops to tears and he says that the dark sky which seems to be very sad, it appears as if it is crying and the raindropsare the tears shedby it. He adds that it is a like ablessingto lie on the bed in his room(Cottage chamber means bedroom) and listen tothe sound made by raindrops falling on the roof. Stanza 2

Every tinkle on the shingles

Has an echo in the heart;

And a thousand dreamy fancies

Into busy being start,

And a thousand recollections

Weave their air-threads into woof,

As I listen to the patter

Of the rain upon the roof.

tinkle: short, light ringing sound

shingles: rectangular wooden tiles used on roofs

echo: repeated sound

woof: weft, i.es the thread woven across the loom

patter: sound of raindrops falling on the roof

‘busy being’ refers to human beings and here, the poet is referring to himself

The poet is expressing his feelings when he hearsthe raindrops falling on the roof top of his house. He says that every tinkle on the shingles has an echo in the heart. Whenever he hears rain falling on the roof top, the soundrepeats in his heart and in his dreams, he has many different, fanciful imaginations. He adds that this sound of the rain falling on the roof top creates many new different dreams in his mind. He recollects many memories of the pastwhich come back into his mind as dreams. So, he says that as he listens to the patter of the rain upon the roof, he has many new dreams in his mind and the memories of the past come backin the form of dreams.

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